Sunday, June 12, 2011

Need Credit Repair Advice?

Good credit repair advice can be difficult to find at times, there are a couple of main key points that you need to keep in mind when it comes to your credit and if you do you will have a much greater handle on how credit works than about 95% of the people out there.

The first thing you need to realize is that the greatest factor regarding the calculation of your credit score is you payment history. It actually makes up about thirty five percent of your credit score.

You aren't considered late if you make a payment a week, two, or even three weeks late in eyes of the bureaus, you are considered late when you cross that 30 day mark. So keep that in mind when you have tight month and can't make that payment right away.

The second most important factor regarding the calculation of your score is what's called your debt to available credit ratio. You can determine your ratio by dividing the total amount of debt your have by the total amount of available credit at your disposal in the form of credit cards. Obviously the lower your ratio the better. This is also calculated and factored per account so the bureaus are looking at the total picture with respect to this portion of your score which makes up about thirty percent of your total credit score.

You can easily improve your credit score by lowering your balances, its really the most effective and quick way to do so. If you don't have any credit cards then it is crucial that you get one, and often times a secured card makes the most sense for this purpose because it is guaranteed.

If after you have done this you still don't see your scores where they need to then I suggest you use a credit repair attorney to get you started with a solid campaign to get your scores up.

I suggest using Lexington Law because I've simply seen the best results from them. They are cost effective and you can see exactly what is being disputed and when you can expect results.

I hope this has helped your in journey to repair your credit and remember to visit Insider Credit Advice for additional credit repair help!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

We are Double and Triple Submitting Loans!


My name is Keith Meredith and I am a local loan originator focusing my direct marketing campaigns in Marion, Lake, and Alachua counties. Part of my business model revolves around a robust CRM program which enables me to stay connected and work with clients who need credit repair and or more work history to qualify for financing. No client or potential client should slip through the cracks. As a realtor you can feel confident in referring those clients that need the special attention, time, and guidance to get them qualified to find their dream home. You get the calls from the couples or individuals who you know just don’t have the income or work history to qualify; refer them to us and 3 months, 6 months, even a year or more from then you can expect a call letting you know your client is now ready to start looking.

We have excellent co-branding resources to consistently keep the both of us in the forefront of their minds. With LandMark Mortgage Planners you won’t have any last minute surprises; you get a dedicated and experienced team behind every deal. We have all the tools necessary to repair your client’s credit including rapid re-score technology which we offer as a courtesy to our clients. Our years of experience help us to quickly identity and resolve any deal breaking obstacles that can often jeopardize a closing. We believe in quickly and strategically communicating the red flags throughout the process in and effort to keep the deal transparent. We often double and triple submit our loans to ensure they close. This strategy is a must due to the current heightened sensitivity of internal underwriters and this is why we are maintaining a near 100% pull through ratio.

I have a background in financial planning so I am very familiar with need for the proper structuring and guidance for every clients specific loan needs. You can be certain that I’m always available after hours and on the weekends. You’re clients will get treated with the utmost respect and care; I strive to establish a long term relationship with everyone I work with. I would love a phone call or email to further discuss my business model and how we could work together.

With regards,

Keith Meredith